Prepare Your IRCC Form CIT 0002E

Canadian Citizenship for Adults

Application Package $145 + IRCC Filing Fees

Disclaimer: is not affiliated with the IRCC or any government agency. We are not a law firm and the information contained on this site should not be considered legal advice or a substitute for consulting with a licensed attorney. We are a private company providing access to self-help and professional services at your direction. If you are looking for blank forms, you can get them for free from the IRCC. Select services packages may include an Immigration Consultant Review conducted by an independent, licensed immigration consultant or attorney.

How FileRight Helps You With Immigration Paperwork

Step 1 - Eligibility Quiz

See if you are eligible to use our application preparation Software.

Step 2 - Prepare Your Application

Save your progress and purchase your application filing package.

Step 3 - Print & Mail Your Application

Print, Sign and Mail Your Completed Application to IRCC.

What is Form CIT 0002E?

Form CIT 0002E is Canada’s Application for Canadian Citizenship. If you are a Canadian permanent resident, are at least 18 years old and have satisfied Canada’s residency requirement, you can use Form CIT 0002E to apply to become a Canadian citizen.

What are the requirements to file for Canadian citizenship?

Permanent residents who want to file form CIT 0002E to apply for Canadian citizenship must satisfy several basic requirements:

  • Residency. You must be physically present at least 1,095 days within the last 5 years before your application.
  • Income Tax Act. You must have filed income taxes for at least three of the last five years you have been a permanent resident.
  • Language. You must submit proof of being proficient in one of the official languages of Canada: French or English, unless you are younger than 18 or older than 54.
  • Knowledge. You must pass an oral and written test on Canada’s history, government, geography, and citizenship rights and responsibilities in English or French, unless you are under 18 or older than 54.

What documents do I have to submit with Form CIT 0002E?

The instructions document for Form CIT 0002E details the documents each person must submit with their completed application. IRCC also provides a document checklist, Form CIT 0007E, which lists the applications and supporting evidence that you must include as part of your citizenship application package. You must submit the completed checklist along with your CIT 0002E application.

What is the filing fee for Form CIT 0002E?

The filing fee for Form CIT 0002E is $630 for each adult who is 18 or older. The $630 fee includes a $530 processing fee and $100 Right of Citizenship fee. You can pay the fee online and print a receipt; you will need to include a copy of your receipt with your CIT 0002E application.

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